Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
character(len=*), | intent(in) | :: | file |
Name of the file |
File type from extension
elemental function get_filetype(file) result(ftype) !> Name of the file character(len=*), intent(in) :: file !> File type from extension integer :: ftype integer :: iext, isep ftype = filetype%unknown iext = index(file, '.', back=.true.) isep = scan(file, '\/', back=.true.) if (iext > isep .and. iext > 0) then select case(to_lower(file(iext+1:))) case('coord', 'tmol') ftype = filetype%tmol case('xyz', 'log') ftype = filetype%xyz case('mol') ftype = filetype%molfile case('sdf') ftype = filetype%sdf case('poscar', 'contcar', 'vasp') ftype = filetype%vasp case('pdb') ftype = filetype%pdb case('gen') ftype = filetype%gen case('ein') ftype = filetype%gaussian case('json') ftype = filetype%qcschema case('cjson') ftype = filetype%cjson case('qchem') ftype = filetype%qchem end select if (ftype /= filetype%unknown) return else iext = len(file) + 1 end if if (iext > isep) then if (file(isep+1:) == 'geometry.in') then ftype = filetype%aims end if select case(to_lower(file(isep+1:iext-1))) case('geometry.in') ftype = filetype%aims case('coord') ftype = filetype%tmol case('poscar', 'contcar') ftype = filetype%vasp end select end if end function get_filetype