main Program

Example application using tool chain library.

This program uses the read_structure and write_structure procedures to implement a structure converter. Usually, the input structure can be inferred by the name of the input file. To allow formats with non-standard extensions (because most geometry formats are not really standardized) additional hints can be passed by the command line to determine the read/write formats.

To add support for piping standard input and standard output reading and writing from units is combined with the additional format hints.

Additional filters or modifications can also be implemented in an intermediary step, this program implements an element symbol normalization. Other filters like folding back to central cells or removing lattice vector could be added in a similar manner.


Type Attributes Name Initial
integer :: charge
type(error_type), allocatable :: error
character(len=:), allocatable :: filename
character(len=:), allocatable :: input
integer, allocatable :: input_format
type(structure_type) :: mol
type(structure_type), allocatable :: mol_template
logical :: normalize
character(len=:), allocatable :: output
integer, allocatable :: output_format
character(len=*), parameter :: prog_name = "mctc-convert"
logical :: read_dot_files
character(len=:), allocatable :: template
integer, allocatable :: template_format
integer :: unpaired


function dirname(filename)

Extract dirname from path


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename

Return Value character(len=:), allocatable

function exists(filename)

test if pathname already exists


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename

Return Value logical

function join(a1, a2) result(path)

Construct path by joining strings with os file separator


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: a1
character(len=*), intent(in) :: a2

Return Value character(len=:), allocatable


subroutine get_arguments(input, input_format, output, output_format, normalize, template, template_format, read_dot_files, error)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=:), allocatable :: input

Input file name

integer, intent(out), allocatable :: input_format

Input file format

character(len=:), allocatable :: output

Output file name

integer, intent(out), allocatable :: output_format

Output file format

logical, intent(out) :: normalize

Normalize element symbols

character(len=:), allocatable :: template

Template file name

integer, intent(out), allocatable :: template_format

Template file format

logical, intent(out) :: read_dot_files

Read information from .CHRG and .UHF files

type(error_type), intent(out), allocatable :: error

Error handling

subroutine help(unit)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: unit

subroutine read_file(filename, val, error)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
integer, intent(out) :: val
type(error_type), intent(out), allocatable :: error

subroutine version(unit)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: unit

Source Code

program main
   use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : output_unit, error_unit, input_unit
   use mctc_env, only : error_type, fatal_error, get_argument, wp
   use mctc_io, only : structure_type, read_structure, write_structure, &
      & filetype, get_filetype, to_symbol
   use mctc_version, only : get_mctc_version
   implicit none
   character(len=*), parameter :: prog_name = "mctc-convert"

   character(len=:), allocatable :: input, output, template, filename
   integer, allocatable :: input_format, output_format, template_format
   type(structure_type) :: mol
   type(structure_type), allocatable :: mol_template
   type(error_type), allocatable :: error
   logical :: normalize, read_dot_files
   integer :: charge, unpaired

   call get_arguments(input, input_format, output, output_format, normalize, &
      & template, template_format, read_dot_files, error)
   if (allocated(error)) then
      write(error_unit, '(a)') error%message
      error stop
   end if

   if (allocated(template)) then
      if (template == "-") then
         if (.not.allocated(template_format)) then
            template_format = merge(output_format, filetype%xyz, allocated(output_format))
         end if
         call read_structure(mol_template, input_unit, template_format, error)
         call read_structure(mol_template, template, error, template_format)
      end if
      if (allocated(error)) then
         write(error_unit, '(a)') error%message
         error stop
      end if
   end if

   if (input == "-") then
      if (.not.allocated(input_format)) input_format = filetype%xyz
      call read_structure(mol, input_unit, input_format, error)
      call read_structure(mol, input, error, input_format)

      if (read_dot_files) then
         charge = nint(mol%charge)
         if (.not.allocated(error)) then
            filename = join(dirname(input), ".CHRG")
            if (exists(filename)) call read_file(filename, charge, error)
         end if
         mol%charge = charge

         unpaired = mol%uhf
         if (.not.allocated(error)) then
            filename = join(dirname(input), ".UHF")
            if (exists(filename)) call read_file(filename, unpaired, error)
         end if
         mol%uhf = unpaired
      end if
   end if
   if (allocated(error)) then
      write(error_unit, '(a)') error%message
      error stop
   end if

   if (allocated(mol_template)) then
      if (mol%nat /= mol_template%nat) then
         write(error_unit, '(*(a, 1x))') &
            "Number of atoms missmatch in", template, "and", input
         error stop
      end if

      ! move_alloc can also move non-allocated objects
      call move_alloc(mol_template%lattice, mol%lattice)
      call move_alloc(mol_template%periodic, mol%periodic)
      call move_alloc(mol_template%bond, mol%bond)
      call move_alloc(mol_template%comment, mol%comment)
      call move_alloc(mol_template%pdb, mol%pdb)
      call move_alloc(mol_template%sdf, mol%sdf)
   end if

   if (normalize) then
      mol%sym = to_symbol(mol%num)
   end if

   if (output == "-") then
      if (.not.allocated(output_format)) output_format = filetype%xyz
      call write_structure(mol, output_unit, output_format, error)
      call write_structure(mol, output, error, output_format)
   end if
   if (allocated(error)) then
      write(error_unit, '(a)') error%message
      error stop
   end if


subroutine help(unit)
   integer, intent(in) :: unit

   write(unit, '(a, *(1x, a))') &
      "Usage: "//prog_name//" [options] <input> <output>"

   write(unit, '(a)') &
      "", &
      "Read structure from input file and writes it to output file.", &
      "The format is determined by the file extension or the format hint", &

   write(unit, '(2x, a, t25, a)') &
      "-i, --input <format>", "Hint for the format of the input file", &
      "-o, --output <format>", "Hint for the format of the output file", &
      "--normalize", "Normalize all element symbols to capitalized format", &
      "--template <file>", "File to use as template to fill in meta data", &
      "", "(useful to add back SDF or PDB annotions)", &
      "--template-format <format>", "", "", "Hint for the format of the template file", &
      "--ignore-dot-files", "Do not read charge and spin from .CHRG and .UHF files", &
      "--version", "Print program version and exit", &
      "--help", "Show this help message"

   write(unit, '(a)')

end subroutine help

subroutine version(unit)
   integer, intent(in) :: unit
   character(len=:), allocatable :: version_string

   call get_mctc_version(string=version_string)
   write(unit, '(a, *(1x, a))') &
      & prog_name, "version", version_string

end subroutine version

subroutine get_arguments(input, input_format, output, output_format, normalize, &
      & template, template_format, read_dot_files, error)

   !> Input file name
   character(len=:), allocatable :: input

   !> Input file format
   integer, allocatable, intent(out) :: input_format

   !> Output file name
   character(len=:), allocatable :: output

   !> Output file format
   integer, allocatable, intent(out) :: output_format

   !> Template file name
   character(len=:), allocatable :: template

   !> Template file format
   integer, allocatable, intent(out) :: template_format

   !> Normalize element symbols
   logical, intent(out) :: normalize

   !> Read information from .CHRG and .UHF files
   logical, intent(out) :: read_dot_files

   !> Error handling
   type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error

   integer :: iarg, narg
   character(len=:), allocatable :: arg

   normalize = .false.
   read_dot_files = .true.
   iarg = 0
   narg = command_argument_count()
   do while(iarg < narg)
      iarg = iarg + 1
      call get_argument(iarg, arg)
      select case(arg)
         call help(output_unit)
         call version(output_unit)
      case default
         if (.not.allocated(input)) then
            call move_alloc(arg, input)
         end if
         if (.not.allocated(output)) then
            call move_alloc(arg, output)
         end if
         call fatal_error(error, "Too many positional arguments present")
      case("-i", "--input")
         iarg = iarg + 1
         call get_argument(iarg, arg)
         if (.not.allocated(arg)) then
            call fatal_error(error, "Missing argument for input format")
         end if
         if (index(arg, ".") == 0) arg = "."//arg
         input_format = get_filetype(arg)
      case("-o", "--output")
         iarg = iarg + 1
         call get_argument(iarg, arg)
         if (.not.allocated(arg)) then
            call fatal_error(error, "Missing argument for output format")
         end if
         output_format = get_filetype("."//arg)
         normalize = .true.
         iarg = iarg + 1
         call get_argument(iarg, template)
         if (.not.allocated(template)) then
            call fatal_error(error, "Missing argument for template file")
         end if
         iarg = iarg + 1
         call get_argument(iarg, arg)
         if (.not.allocated(arg)) then
            call fatal_error(error, "Missing argument for template format")
         end if
         template_format = get_filetype("."//arg)
         read_dot_files = .false.
      end select
   end do

   if (.not.(allocated(input).and.(allocated(output)))) then
      if (.not.allocated(error)) then
         call help(output_unit)
         error stop
      end if
   end if

end subroutine get_arguments

!> Extract dirname from path
function dirname(filename)
   character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
   character(len=:), allocatable :: dirname

   dirname = filename(1:scan(filename, "/\", back=.true.))
   if (len_trim(dirname) == 0) dirname = "."
end function dirname

!> Construct path by joining strings with os file separator
function join(a1, a2) result(path)
   use mctc_env_system, only : is_windows
   character(len=*), intent(in) :: a1, a2
   character(len=:), allocatable :: path
   character :: filesep

   if (is_windows()) then
      filesep = '\'
      filesep = '/'
   end if

   path = a1 // filesep // a2
end function join

!> test if pathname already exists
function exists(filename)
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
    logical :: exists
    inquire(file=filename, exist=exists)
end function exists

subroutine read_file(filename, val, error)
   use mctc_io_utils, only : next_line, read_next_token, io_error, token_type
   character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
   integer, intent(out) :: val
   type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error

   integer :: io, stat, lnum, pos
   type(token_type) :: token
   character(len=:), allocatable :: line

   lnum = 0

   open(file=filename, newunit=io, status='old', iostat=stat)
   if (stat /= 0) then
      call fatal_error(error, "Error: Could not open file '"//filename//"'")
   end if

   call next_line(io, line, pos, lnum, stat)
   if (stat == 0) &
      call read_next_token(line, pos, token, val, stat)
   if (stat /= 0) then
      call io_error(error, "Cannot read value from file", line, token, &
         filename, lnum, "expected integer value")
   end if

   close(io, iostat=stat)

end subroutine read_file

end program main