help Subroutine

subroutine help(unit)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: unit

Source Code

subroutine help(unit)
   integer, intent(in) :: unit

   write(unit, '(a, *(1x, a))') &
      "Usage: "//prog_name//" [options] <input> <output>"

   write(unit, '(a)') &
      "", &
      "Read structure from input file and writes it to output file.", &
      "The format is determined by the file extension or the format hint", &

   write(unit, '(2x, a, t25, a)') &
      "-i, --input <format>", "Hint for the format of the input file", &
      "-o, --output <format>", "Hint for the format of the output file", &
      "--normalize", "Normalize all element symbols to capitalized format", &
      "--template <file>", "File to use as template to fill in meta data", &
      "", "(useful to add back SDF or PDB annotions)", &
      "--template-format <format>", "", "", "Hint for the format of the template file", &
      "--ignore-dot-files", "Do not read charge and spin from .CHRG and .UHF files", &
      "--version", "Print program version and exit", &
      "--help", "Show this help message"

   write(unit, '(a)')

end subroutine help