
ProcedureLocationProcedure TypeDescription
check mctc_env_testing Interface
collect_identical mctc_io_symbols Subroutine

Establish a mapping between unique atom types and species

crossprod mctc_io_math Function

Implements the cross/vector product between two 3D vectors

dirname main Function

Extract dirname from path

eigval_3x3 mctc_io_math Subroutine

Calculates eigenvalues based on the trigonometric solution of A = pB + qI

eigvec_3x3 mctc_io_math Subroutine

Calculates eigenvector using an analytical method based on vector cross

exists main Function

test if pathname already exists

fatal_error mctc_env_error Subroutine

A fatal error is encountered

filename mctc_io_utils Function
get_argument mctc_env_system Subroutine

Obtain the command line argument at a given index

get_arguments main Subroutine
get_filetype mctc_io_filetype Function
get_identity mctc_io_symbols Interface

Get chemical identity

get_mctc_feature mctc_version Function
get_mctc_version mctc_version Subroutine

Getter function to retrieve mctc-lib version

get_structure_reader mctc_io_read Subroutine

Retrieve reader for corresponding file type

get_variable mctc_env_system Subroutine

Obtain the value of an environment variable

getline mctc_io_utils Subroutine
help main Subroutine
io2_error mctc_io_utils Subroutine

Create new IO error

io_error mctc_io_utils Subroutine

Create new IO error

is_unix mctc_env_system Function

Try to determine if we run on Unix and probably can rely on POSIX compliance

is_windows mctc_env_system Function

Try to determine if we run on Windows and don’t have POSIX compliance around

join main Function

Construct path by joining strings with os file separator

matdet_3x3 mctc_io_math Function

Determinant of 3×3 matrix

matinv_3x3 mctc_io_math Function

Performs a direct calculation of the inverse of a 3×3 matrix.

new mctc_io_structure Interface
new_structure mctc_io_structure Subroutine

Constructor for structure representations

new_testsuite mctc_env_testing Function

Register a new testsuite

new_unittest mctc_env_testing Function

Register a new unit test

next_line mctc_io_utils Subroutine

Convenience function to read a line and update associated descriptors

next_token mctc_io_utils Subroutine

Advance pointer to next text token

number_to_lcsymbol mctc_io_symbols Subroutine

Convert atomic number to element symbol

number_to_symbol mctc_io_symbols Subroutine

Convert atomic number to element symbol

read_aims mctc_io_read_aims Subroutine
read_cjson mctc_io_read_cjson Subroutine
read_coord mctc_io_read_turbomole Subroutine
read_file main Subroutine
read_gaussian_external mctc_io_read_gaussian Subroutine
read_genformat mctc_io_read_genformat Subroutine
read_molfile mctc_io_read_ctfile Subroutine
read_next_token mctc_io_utils Interface
read_pdb mctc_io_read_pdb Subroutine
read_qchem mctc_io_read_qchem Subroutine
read_qcschema mctc_io_read_qcschema Subroutine
read_sdf mctc_io_read_ctfile Subroutine
read_structure mctc_io_read Interface
read_token mctc_io_utils Interface
read_vasp mctc_io_read_vasp Subroutine
read_xyz mctc_io_read_xyz Subroutine
resize mctc_io_structure_info Interface
resize mctc_io_resize Interface

Overloaded resize interface

run_selected mctc_env_testing Subroutine

Driver for selective testing

run_testsuite mctc_env_testing Subroutine

Driver for testsuite

select_suite mctc_env_testing Function

Select a test suite from all available suites

select_test mctc_env_testing Function

Select a unit test from all available tests

symbol_to_number mctc_io_symbols Subroutine

Convert element symbol to atomic number

test_failed mctc_env_testing Subroutine
to_lcsymbol mctc_io_symbols Function

Convert atomic number to element symbol

to_number mctc_io_symbols Function

Convert element symbol to atomic number

to_string mctc_io_utils Function

Represent an integer as character sequence.

to_symbol mctc_io_symbols Function

Convert atomic number to element symbol

version main Subroutine
write_aims mctc_io_write_aims Subroutine
write_cjson mctc_io_write_cjson Subroutine
write_coord mctc_io_write_turbomole Subroutine
write_gaussian_external mctc_io_write_gaussian Subroutine
write_genformat mctc_io_write_genformat Subroutine
write_molfile mctc_io_write_ctfile Subroutine
write_pdb mctc_io_write_pdb Subroutine
write_qchem mctc_io_write_qchem Subroutine
write_qcschema mctc_io_write_qcschema Subroutine
write_sdf mctc_io_write_ctfile Subroutine
write_structure mctc_io_write Interface
write_vasp mctc_io_write_vasp Subroutine
write_xyz mctc_io_write_xyz Subroutine