Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(structure_type), | intent(out) | :: | self |
Instance of the molecular structure data |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | unit |
File handle |
type(error_type), | intent(out), | allocatable | :: | error |
Error handling |
subroutine read_vasp(self, unit, error) !> Instance of the molecular structure data type(structure_type), intent(out) :: self !> File handle integer, intent(in) :: unit !> Error handling type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error logical :: selective, cartesian integer :: i, j, k, nn, ntype, natoms, izp, stat, pos, lnum integer, allocatable :: ncount(:) real(wp) :: ddum, latvec(3), scalar, coord(3), lattice(3, 3) real(wp), allocatable :: xyz(:, :) type(token_type) :: token character(len=:), allocatable :: line, comment character(len=2*symbol_length), allocatable :: args(:), args2(:) character(len=symbol_length), allocatable :: sym(:) type(structure_info) :: info selective = .false. ! Selective dynamics cartesian = .true. ! Cartesian or direct lattice = 0 stat = 0 lnum = 0 ntype = 0 ! first line contains the symbols of different atom types call next_line(unit, line, pos, lnum, stat) if (stat /= 0) then call fatal_error(error, "Unexpected end of input encountered") return end if call parse_line(" " // line, args, ntype) call move_alloc(line, comment) ! this line contains the global scaling factor, call next_line(unit, line, pos, lnum, stat) if (stat /= 0) then call fatal_error(error, "Unexpected end of input encountered") return end if call read_next_token(line, pos, token, ddum, stat) if (stat /= 0) then call io_error(error, "Cannot read scaling factor", & & line, token, filename(unit), lnum, "expected real value") return end if ! the Ang->au conversion is included in the scaling factor scalar = ddum*aatoau ! reading the lattice constants do i = 1, 3 call next_line(unit, line, pos, lnum, stat) if (stat /= 0) then call fatal_error(error, "Unexpected end of lattice vectors encountered") return end if call read_next_token(line, pos, token, latvec(1), stat) if (stat == 0) & call read_next_token(line, pos, token, latvec(2), stat) if (stat == 0) & call read_next_token(line, pos, token, latvec(3), stat) if (stat /= 0) then call io_error(error, "Cannot read lattice vectors from input", & & line, token, filename(unit), lnum, "expected real value") return end if lattice(:, i) = latvec * scalar end do ! Either here are the numbers of each element, ! or (>vasp.5.1) here are the element symbols call next_line(unit, line, pos, lnum, stat) if (stat /= 0) then call fatal_error(error, "Unexpected end of input encountered") return end if ! try to verify that first element is actually a number i = max(verify(line, ' '), 1) j = scan(line(i:), ' ') - 2 + i if (j < i) j = len_trim(line) ! CONTCAR files have additional Element line here since vasp.5.1 if (verify(line(i:j), '1234567890') /= 0) then call parse_line(" " // line, args, ntype) call next_line(unit, line, pos, lnum, stat) if (stat /= 0) then call fatal_error(error, "Unexpected end of input encountered") return end if else deallocate(comment) end if call parse_line(" " // line, args2, nn) if (nn /= ntype) then call fatal_error(error, 'Number of atom types mismatches the number of counts') return end if allocate(ncount(nn), source = 0) do i = 1, nn read(args2(i), *, iostat=stat) ncount(i) izp = to_number(args(i)) if (izp < 1 .or. ncount(i) < 1) then call fatal_error(error, "Unknown element '"//trim(args(i))//"' encountered") return end if end do natoms = sum(ncount) allocate(sym(natoms)) allocate(xyz(3, natoms)) k = 0 do i = 1, nn do j = 1, ncount(i) k = k+1 sym(k) = trim(args(i)) end do end do call next_line(unit, line, pos, lnum, stat) if (stat /= 0) then call fatal_error(error, "Could not read POSCAR") return end if line = adjustl(line) if (line(:1).eq.'s' .or. line(:1).eq.'S') then selective = .true. call next_line(unit, line, pos, lnum, stat) if (stat /= 0) then call fatal_error(error, "Unexpected end of input encountered") return end if line = adjustl(line) end if cartesian = (line(:1).eq.'c' .or. line(:1).eq.'C' .or. & & line(:1).eq.'k' .or. line(:1).eq.'K') do i = 1, natoms call next_line(unit, line, pos, lnum, stat) if (stat /= 0) then call fatal_error(error, "Unexpected end of geometry encountered") return end if call read_next_token(line, pos, token, coord(1), stat) if (stat == 0) & call read_next_token(line, pos, token, coord(2), stat) if (stat == 0) & call read_next_token(line, pos, token, coord(3), stat) if (stat /= 0) then call io_error(error, "Cannot read geometry from input", & & line, token, filename(unit), lnum, "expected real value") return end if if (cartesian) then xyz(:, i) = coord*scalar else xyz(:, i) = matmul(lattice, coord) end if end do ! save information about this POSCAR for later info = structure_info(scale=ddum, selective=selective, cartesian=cartesian) call new(self, sym, xyz, lattice=lattice, info=info) if (allocated(comment)) self%comment = comment end subroutine read_vasp