Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(structure_type), | intent(out) | :: | self |
Instance of the molecular structure data |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | unit |
File handle |
type(error_type), | intent(out), | allocatable | :: | error |
Error handling |
subroutine read_pdb(self, unit, error) !> Instance of the molecular structure data type(structure_type),intent(out) :: self !> File handle integer,intent(in) :: unit !> Error handling type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error integer, parameter :: p_initial_size = 1000 ! this is going to be a protein integer :: iatom, jatom, iresidue, try, stat, atom_type, pos, lnum real(wp) :: occ, temp, coords(3) real(wp), allocatable :: xyz(:,:) type(token_type) :: token character(len=4) :: a_charge character(len=:), allocatable :: line character(len=symbol_length), allocatable :: sym(:) type(pdb_data), allocatable :: pdb(:) allocate(sym(p_initial_size), source=repeat(' ', symbol_length)) allocate(xyz(3, p_initial_size), source=0.0_wp) allocate(pdb(p_initial_size), source=pdb_data()) iatom = 0 iresidue = 0 stat = 0 do while(stat == 0) call next_line(unit, line, pos, lnum, stat) if (index(line, 'END') == 1) exit if (index(line, 'ATOM') == 1 .or. index(line, 'HETATM') == 1) then if (iatom >= size(xyz, 2)) call resize(xyz) if (iatom >= size(sym)) call resize(sym) if (iatom >= size(pdb)) call resize(pdb) iatom = iatom + 1 pdb(iatom)%het = index(line, 'HETATM') == 1 if (len(line) >= 78) then ! a4: 13:16, a1: 17:17, a3: 18:20, a1: 22:22 ! a1: 27:27, a4: 73:76, a2: 77:78, a2: 79:80 pdb(iatom)%name = line(13:16) pdb(iatom)%loc = line(17:17) pdb(iatom)%residue = line(18:20) pdb(iatom)%chains = line(22:22) pdb(iatom)%code = line(27:27) pdb(iatom)%segid = line(72:74) sym(iatom) = line(77:78) else token = token_type(len(line)+1, len(line)+1) call io_error(error, "Too few entries provided in record", & & line, token, filename(unit), lnum, "record too short") return end if if (len(line) >= 80) then a_charge = line(79:80) else a_charge = "" end if if (stat == 0) then ! i5: 7-11 token = token_type(7, 11) call read_token(line, token, jatom, stat) end if if (stat == 0) then ! i4: 23-26 token = token_type(23, 26) call read_token(line, token, pdb(iatom)%residue_number, stat) end if if (stat == 0) then ! f8: 31-38 token = token_type(31, 38) call read_token(line, token, coords(1), stat) end if if (stat == 0) then ! f8: 39-46 token = token_type(39, 46) call read_token(line, token, coords(2), stat) end if if (stat == 0) then ! f8: 47-54 token = token_type(47, 54) call read_token(line, token, coords(3), stat) end if if (stat == 0) then ! f6: 55-60 token = token_type(55, 60) call read_token(line, token, occ, stat) end if if (stat == 0) then ! f6: 61-66 token = token_type(60, 66) call read_token(line, token, temp, stat) end if if (stat /= 0) then call io_error(error, "Cannot read coordinates from record", & & line, token, filename(unit), lnum, "unexpected value") return end if xyz(:,iatom) = coords * aatoau atom_type = to_number(sym(iatom)) if (atom_type == 0) then try = scan(pdb(iatom)%name, 'HCNOSPF') if (try > 0) sym(iatom) = pdb(iatom)%name(try:try)//' ' pdb(iatom)%charge = 0 else read(a_charge(1:1), *, iostat=stat) pdb(iatom)%charge if (stat /= 0) then stat = 0 pdb(iatom)%charge = 0 else if (a_charge(2:2) == '-') pdb(iatom)%charge = -pdb(iatom)%charge end if end if if (to_number(sym(iatom)) == 0) then call io_error(error, "Cannot map symbol to atomic number", & & line, token_type(77, 78), filename(unit), lnum, "unknown element") return end if end if end do call new(self, sym(:iatom), xyz(:, :iatom)) self%pdb = pdb(:iatom) self%charge = sum(pdb(:iatom)%charge) end subroutine read_pdb