read_qchem Subroutine

public subroutine read_qchem(mol, unit, error)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(structure_type), intent(out) :: mol

Instance of the molecular structure data

integer, intent(in) :: unit

File handle

type(error_type), intent(out), allocatable :: error

Error handling

Source Code

subroutine read_qchem(mol, unit, error)

   !> Instance of the molecular structure data
   type(structure_type), intent(out) :: mol

   !> File handle
   integer, intent(in) :: unit

   !> Error handling
   type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error

   integer :: stat, pos, lnum, izp, iat, iz, ij(3)
   integer :: charge, multiplicity, zrepeat
   type(token_type) :: token
   character(len=:), allocatable :: line
   real(wp) :: x, y, z, zm(3), a12(3), a32(3), vec(3)
   character(len=symbol_length), allocatable :: sym(:)
   real(wp), allocatable :: xyz(:, :), abc(:, :), lattice(:, :)
   logical :: is_frac, periodic(3)
   real(wp), parameter :: deg_to_rad = pi / 180.0_wp

   iat = 0
   lnum = 0
   stat = 0

   do while(stat == 0)
      call next_line(unit, line, pos, lnum, stat)
      if (stat /= 0) exit

      call next_token(line, pos, token)
      if (token%first > len(line)) cycle
      if (to_lower(line(token%first:token%last)) == '$molecule') exit
   end do

   if (stat /= 0) then
      call io_error(error, "No atoms found", &
         & line, token_type(0, 0), filename(unit), lnum+1, "expected molecule block")
   end if

   call next_line(unit, line, pos, lnum, stat)
   if (stat == 0) &
      call read_next_token(line, pos, token, charge, stat)
   if (stat == 0) &
      call read_next_token(line, pos, token, multiplicity, stat)
   if (stat /= 0) then
      call io_error(error, "Failed to read charge and multiplicity", &
         & line, token, filename(unit), lnum, "expected integer value")
   end if

   allocate(sym(initial_size), source=repeat(' ', symbol_length))
   allocate(xyz(3, initial_size), source=0.0_wp)

   call next_line(unit, line, pos, lnum, stat)
   if (stat /= 0) then
      call io_error(error, "Failed to read molecule block", &
         & line, token_type(0, 0), filename(unit), lnum, "unexpected end of input")
   end if

   call next_token(line, pos, token)

   iat = iat + 1

   token%last = min(token%last, token%first + symbol_length - 1)
   sym(iat) = line(token%first:token%last)
   if (to_number(sym(iat)) == 0) then
      call read_token(line, token, izp, stat)
      sym(iat) = to_symbol(izp)
   end if
   if (stat /= 0) then
      call io_error(error, "Cannot map symbol to atomic number", &
         & line, token, filename(unit), lnum, "unknown element")
   end if

   call read_next_token(line, pos, token, x, stat)
   if (stat /= 0) then
      stat = 0
      xyz(:, iat) = [0, 0, 0] * aatoau
      zrepeat = 1

      do while(stat == 0)
         call next_line(unit, line, pos, lnum, stat)
         if (stat /= 0) exit

         call next_token(line, pos, token)
         if (to_lower(line(token%first:token%last)) == '$end') exit

         if (iat >= size(sym)) call resize(sym)
         if (iat >= size(xyz, 2)) call resize(xyz)
         iat = iat + 1

         token%last = min(token%last, token%first + symbol_length - 1)
         sym(iat) = line(token%first:token%last)
         if (to_number(sym(iat)) == 0) then
            call read_token(line, token, izp, stat)
            sym(iat) = to_symbol(izp)
         end if
         if (stat /= 0) then
            call io_error(error, "Cannot map symbol to atomic number", &
               & line, token, filename(unit), lnum, "unknown element")
         end if

         do iz = 1, zrepeat
            if (stat == 0) &
            call read_next_token(line, pos, token, ij(iz), stat)
            if (stat == 0) &
            call read_next_token(line, pos, token, zm(iz), stat)
         end do
         if (stat /= 0) then
            call io_error(error, "Cannot read coordinates", &
               & line, token, filename(unit), lnum, "expected value")
         end if

         select case(zrepeat)
            x = xyz(1, ij(1)) + zm(1) * aatoau
            y = xyz(2, ij(1))
            z = xyz(3, ij(1))
            zrepeat = zrepeat + 1
            x = xyz(1, ij(1)) + zm(1) * aatoau * cos(zm(2) * deg_to_rad) * (ij(2) - ij(1))
            y = xyz(2, ij(1)) + zm(1) * aatoau * sin(zm(2) * deg_to_rad)
            z = xyz(3, ij(1))
            zrepeat = zrepeat + 1
         case default
            a12 = xyz(:, ij(2)) - xyz(:, ij(1))
            a12 = a12 / norm2(a12)

            a32 = xyz(:, ij(2)) - xyz(:, ij(3))
            a32 = a32 - a12 * dot_product(a32, a12)
            a32 = a32 / norm2(a32)

            vec = a32 * cos(zm(3) * deg_to_rad) + crossprod(a12, a32) * sin(zm(3) * deg_to_rad)
            vec = a12 * cos(zm(2) * deg_to_rad) - vec * sin(zm(2) * deg_to_rad)
            vec = zm(1) * aatoau / norm2(vec) * vec

            x = xyz(1, ij(1)) + vec(1)
            y = xyz(2, ij(1)) + vec(2)
            z = xyz(3, ij(1)) + vec(3)
         end select
         if (ij(1) >= iat) then
            call io_error(error, "Cannot read coordinates", &
               & line, token, filename(unit), lnum, "invalid atom index")
         end if
         xyz(:, iat) = [x, y, z]

      end do
      if (stat == 0) &
         call read_next_token(line, pos, token, y, stat)
      if (stat == 0) &
         call read_next_token(line, pos, token, z, stat)
      if (stat /= 0) then
         call io_error(error, "Cannot read coordinates", &
            & line, token, filename(unit), lnum, "expected real value")
      end if

      xyz(:, iat) = [x, y, z] * aatoau

      do while(stat == 0)
         call next_line(unit, line, pos, lnum, stat)
         if (stat /= 0) exit

         call next_token(line, pos, token)
         if (to_lower(line(token%first:token%last)) == '$end') exit

         if (iat >= size(sym)) call resize(sym)
         if (iat >= size(xyz, 2)) call resize(xyz)
         iat = iat + 1

         token%last = min(token%last, token%first + symbol_length - 1)
         sym(iat) = line(token%first:token%last)
         if (to_number(sym(iat)) == 0) then
            call read_token(line, token, izp, stat)
            sym(iat) = to_symbol(izp)
         end if
         if (stat /= 0) then
            call io_error(error, "Cannot map symbol to atomic number", &
               & line, token, filename(unit), lnum, "unknown element")
         end if

         call read_next_token(line, pos, token, x, stat)
         if (stat == 0) &
            call read_next_token(line, pos, token, y, stat)
         if (stat == 0) &
            call read_next_token(line, pos, token, z, stat)
         if (stat /= 0) then
            call io_error(error, "Cannot read coordinates", &
               & line, token, filename(unit), lnum, "expected real value")
         end if

         xyz(:, iat) = [x, y, z] * aatoau
      end do
   end if

   if (stat /= 0) then
      call io_error(error, "Failed to read molecule block", &
         & line, token_type(0, 0), filename(unit), lnum, "unexpected end of input")
   end if

   call new(mol, sym(:iat), xyz, charge=real(charge, wp), uhf=multiplicity-1)
end subroutine read_qchem