Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(structure_type), | intent(out) | :: | self |
Instance of the molecular structure data |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | unit |
File handle |
type(error_type), | intent(out), | allocatable | :: | error |
Error handling |
subroutine read_cjson(self, unit, error) !> Instance of the molecular structure data type(structure_type), intent(out) :: self !> File handle integer, intent(in) :: unit !> Error handling type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error #if WITH_JSON type(json_core) :: json type(json_value), pointer :: root, val, child, array logical :: cartesian, found integer :: stat, schema_version, charge, multiplicity, ibond character(len=:), allocatable :: input, line, message, comment integer, allocatable :: num(:), bond(:, :), list(:), order(:) real(wp) :: cellpar(6) real(wp), allocatable :: lattice(:, :) real(wp), allocatable, target :: geo(:) real(wp), pointer :: xyz(:, :) stat = 0 input = "" do call getline(unit, line, stat) if (stat /= 0) exit input = input // line end do call json%deserialize(root, input) if (json%failed()) then call json%check_for_errors(error_msg=message) call fatal_error(error, message) call json%destroy(root) return end if val => root call cjson_get(json, val, "chemicalJson", "chemical json", child) if (.not.associated(child)) then call fatal_error(error, "No 'chemical json' key found") call json%destroy(root) return end if call json%get(child, schema_version) ! There seems to be no actual difference between version 0 and 1, though if (all(schema_version /= [0, 1])) then call fatal_error(error, "Unsupported schema version for 'chemical json'") call json%destroy(root) return end if call json%get(val, "atoms.elements.number", num) if (.not.allocated(num) .or. json%failed()) then call fatal_error(error, "List of atomic symbols must be provided") call json%destroy(root) return end if call cjson_get(json, val, "unitCell", "unit cell", child) if (associated(child)) then call json%get(child, "a", cellpar(1)) call json%get(child, "b", cellpar(2)) call json%get(child, "c", cellpar(3)) call json%get(child, "alpha", cellpar(4)) call json%get(child, "beta", cellpar(5)) call json%get(child, "gamma", cellpar(6)) if (json%failed()) then call json%check_for_errors(error_msg=message) call fatal_error(error, message) call json%destroy(root) return end if cellpar(1:3) = cellpar(1:3) * aatoau cellpar(4:6) = cellpar(4:6) * (pi / 180) allocate(lattice(3, 3)) call cell_to_dlat(cellpar, lattice) end if call json%get(val, "atoms.coords.3d", geo, found=cartesian) if (.not.cartesian .and. allocated(lattice)) then call cjson_get(json, val, "atoms.coords.3dFractional", "atoms.coords.3d fractional", & & child) if (associated(child)) call json%get(child, geo) end if if (.not.allocated(geo) .or. json%failed()) then call fatal_error(error, "Cartesian coordinates must be provided") call json%destroy(root) return end if if (3*size(num) /= size(geo)) then call fatal_error(error, "Number of atomic numbers and coordinate triples must match") call json%destroy(root) return end if call json%get(val, "bonds.connections.index", list, found=found) call json%get(val, "bonds.order", order, found=found) if (.not.allocated(order) .and. allocated(list)) & allocate(order(size(list)/2), source=1) if (json%failed()) then call fatal_error(error, "Cannot read entries from 'bonds'") call json%destroy(root) return end if if (allocated(list)) then allocate(bond(3, size(list)/2)) do ibond = 1, size(bond, 2) bond(:, ibond) = [list(2*ibond-1) + 1, list(2*ibond) + 1, order(ibond)] end do end if call json%get(val, "name", comment, default="") call json%get(val, "properties.totalCharge", charge, found=found) if (.not.found) then call json%get(val, "atoms.formalCharges", list, found=found) charge = 0 if (allocated(list)) charge = sum(list) end if call json%get(val, "properties.totalSpinMultiplicity", multiplicity, found=found) if (.not.found) multiplicity = 1 if (json%failed()) then call json%check_for_errors(error_msg=message) call fatal_error(error, message) call json%destroy(root) return end if xyz(1:3, 1:size(geo)/3) => geo xyz(:, :) = xyz * aatoau if (.not.cartesian) then xyz(:, :) = matmul(lattice, xyz(:, :)) end if call new(self, num, xyz, lattice=lattice, charge=real(charge, wp), uhf=multiplicity - 1) if (len(comment) > 0) self%comment = comment if (allocated(bond)) then self%nbd = size(bond, 2) call move_alloc(bond, self%bond) end if call json%destroy(root) contains subroutine cjson_get(json, val, key1, key2, child) type(json_core), intent(inout) :: json type(json_value), pointer, intent(in) :: val type(json_value), pointer, intent(out) :: child character(*), intent(in) :: key1, key2 logical :: found call json%get(val, key1, child, found=found) if (.not.found) then call json%get(val, key2, child, found=found) end if end subroutine cjson_get #else call fatal_error(error, "JSON support not enabled") #endif end subroutine read_cjson