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The Commandline ENergetic SOrting of Conformer Rotamer Ensembles (CENSO) software allows DFT/WFT refinement of conformer ensembles. It is built modularly and contains the following parts:

  1. Prescreening: A cheap DFT method is used to discard energetically high conformers. Solvation can optionally be included via ALPB/GBSA. No thermodynamic corrections are applied.
  2. Screening: The ensemble is sorted using a more expensive method, including SMD/COSMO-RS solvation contributions. Optionally, thermodynamic corrections are applied with SPH.
  3. (Geometry-)Optimization: Reoptimization of the ensemble structures, including a new sorting.
  4. Refinement: High-level single-point energies for precise sorting.

Additionally, NMR and UV/Vis spectra can be computed for the final ensemble.

The original published CENSO v1 comes as a Python program and is available on GitHub. CENSO v2 also includes a Python interface also available via GitHub. Both CENSO programs are controlled via an input file, usually called censorc. A CENSO computation can be invoked with:

censo -inp <input ensemble> -inprc <input file>

A default input file can be generated by calling censo --newconfig. This file is also used to define the paths to the required QM programs. A detailed list of settings can be found in the documentation.


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