CENSO is not only capable of ensemble refinement, but also allows the automated computation of NMR spectra for an entire ensemble. Since NMR is a structure-sensitive property, this is a prime example of the importance of ensemble quality.
As an example, use crest to first generate an ensemble of 2-Fluoropropan-1-ol with GFN2-xTB in water.
O 1.398839 1.025407 -0.886750
C 0.372477 0.456264 -0.628697
C -0.032777 -0.054166 0.729167
H -0.916315 0.504071 1.066256
H -0.386361 0.248155 -1.401738
C -0.304030 -1.554058 0.707502
H -0.567187 -1.886134 1.707543
H -1.123368 -1.765489 0.029484
H 0.585461 -2.087710 0.383005
F 0.964760 0.230530 1.658525
Next, you will refine the ensemble using DFT calculations.
crest uses GFN2-xTB as the default method, which produces ensemble rankings that are not accurate enough for, e.g., NMR calculations. Therefore, it is necessary to refine the initial ensemble.
You can do this using CENSO, which automates the process of ensemble refinement.
Use the following input to refine the ensemble.
censo -inp crest_conformers.xyz -inprc censorc -T 8 > censo.out &
$CENSO global configuration file: .censorc
ORCA: /home/software/cluster/orca_5_0_4_linux_x86-64_openmpi411
ORCA version: 5.0.4
GFN-xTB: /home/abt-grimme/AK-bin/xtb
CREST: /home/abt-grimme/AK-bin/crest
mpshift: /path/including/binary/mpshift-binary
escf: /path/including/binary/escf-binary
ctd = BP_TZVP_C30_1601.ctd cdir = "/software/cluster/COSMOthermX16/COSMOtherm/CTDATA-FILES" ldir = "/software/cluster/COSMOthermX16/COSMOtherm/CTDATA-FILES"
nconf: all # ['all', 'number e.g. 10 up to all conformers']
charge: 0 # ['number e.g. 0']
unpaired: 0 # ['number e.g. 0']
solvent: water # ['gas', 'acetone', 'acetonitrile', 'aniline', 'benzaldehyde', 'benzene', 'ccl4', '...']
prog_rrho: xtb # ['xtb']
temperature: 298.15 # ['temperature in K e.g. 298.15']
trange: [273.15, 378.15, 5] # ['temperature range [start, end, step]']
multitemp: on # ['on', 'off']
evaluate_rrho: on # ['on', 'off']
consider_sym: on # ['on', 'off']
bhess: on # ['on', 'off']
imagthr: automatic # ['automatic or e.g., -100 # in cm-1']
sthr: automatic # ['automatic or e.g., 50 # in cm-1']
scale: automatic # ['automatic or e.g., 1.0 ']
rmsdbias: off # ['on', 'off']
sm_rrho: alpb # ['alpb', 'gbsa']
progress: off # ['on', 'off']
check: on # ['on', 'off']
prog: orca # ['tm', 'orca']
func: r2scan-3c # ['b3-lyp', 'b3lyp', 'b3lyp-3c', 'b3lyp-d3', 'b3lyp-d3(0)', 'b3lyp-d4', 'b3lyp-nl', '...']
basis: automatic # ['automatic', 'def2-TZVP', 'def2-mSVP', 'def2-mSVP', 'def2-mSVP', 'def2-mSVP', '...']
maxthreads: 1 # ['number of threads e.g. 2']
omp: 1 # ['number cores per thread e.g. 4']
balance: off # ['on', 'off']
cosmorsparam: automatic # ['automatic', '12-fine', '12-normal', '13-fine', '13-normal', '14-fine', '...']
part0: on # ['on', 'off']
func0: b97-d3 # ['b3-lyp', 'b3lyp', 'b3lyp-3c', 'b3lyp-d3', 'b3lyp-d3(0)', 'b3lyp-d4', '...']
basis0: def2-SV(P) # ['automatic', 'def2-SV(P)', 'def2-TZVP', 'def2-mSVP', 'def2-mSVP', 'def2-mSVP', '...']
part0_gfnv: gfn2 # ['gfn1', 'gfn2', 'gfnff']
part0_threshold: 4.0 # ['number e.g. 4.0']
# func and basis is set under GENERAL SETTINGS
part1: on # ['on', 'off']
smgsolv1: smd # ['alpb_gsolv', 'cosmo', 'cosmors', 'cosmors-fine', 'cpcm', 'dcosmors', '...']
part1_gfnv: gfn2 # ['gfn1', 'gfn2', 'gfnff']
part1_threshold: 3.5 # ['number e.g. 5.0']
# func and basis is set under GENERAL SETTINGS
part2: on # ['on', 'off']
prog2opt: prog # ['tm', 'orca', 'prog', 'automatic']
part2_threshold: 2.5 # ['number e.g. 4.0']
sm2: smd # ['cosmo', 'cpcm', 'dcosmors', 'default', 'smd']
smgsolv2: smd # ['alpb_gsolv', 'cosmo', 'cosmors', 'cosmors-fine', 'cpcm', 'dcosmors', '...']
part2_gfnv: gfn2 # ['gfn1', 'gfn2', 'gfnff']
ancopt: on # ['on']
hlow: 0.01 # ['lowest force constant in ANC generation, e.g. 0.01']
opt_spearman: on # ['on', 'off']
part2_P_threshold: 99 # ['Boltzmann sum threshold in %. e.g. 95 (between 1 and 100)']
optlevel2: automatic # ['crude', 'sloppy', 'loose', 'lax', 'normal', 'tight', 'vtight', 'extreme', '...']
optcycles: 8 # ['number e.g. 5 or 10']
spearmanthr: -4.0 # ['value between -1 and 1, if outside set automatically']
radsize: 10 # ['number e.g. 8 or 10']
crestcheck: off # ['on', 'off']
part3: on # ['on', 'off']
prog3: prog # ['tm', 'orca', 'prog']
func3: pw6b95 # ['b3-lyp', 'b3lyp', 'b3lyp-3c', 'b3lyp-d3', 'b3lyp-d3(0)', 'b3lyp-d4', 'b3lyp-nl', '...']
basis3: def2-TZVPD # ['DZ', 'QZV', 'QZVP', 'QZVPP', 'SV(P)', 'SVP', 'TZVP', 'TZVPP', 'aug-cc-pV5Z', '...']
smgsolv3: smd # ['alpb_gsolv', 'cosmo', 'cosmors', 'cosmors-fine', 'cpcm', 'dcosmors', '...']
part3_gfnv: gfn2 # ['gfn1', 'gfn2', 'gfnff']
part3_threshold: 99 # ['Boltzmann sum threshold in %. e.g. 95 (between 1 and 100)']
part4: off # ['on', 'off']
couplings: on # ['on', 'off']
progJ: prog # ['tm', 'orca', 'prog']
funcJ: pbe0 # ['b3-lyp', 'b3lyp', 'b3lyp-3c', 'b3lyp-d3', 'b3lyp-d3(0)', 'b3lyp-d4', 'b3lyp-nl', '...']
basisJ: def2-TZVP # ['DZ', 'QZV', 'QZVP', 'QZVPP', 'SV(P)', 'SVP', 'TZVP', 'TZVPP', 'aug-cc-pV5Z', '...']
sm4J: smd # ['cosmo', 'cpcm', 'dcosmors', 'smd']
shieldings: on # ['on', 'off']
progS: prog # ['tm', 'orca', 'prog']
funcS: pbe0 # ['b3-lyp', 'b3lyp', 'b3lyp-3c', 'b3lyp-d3', 'b3lyp-d3(0)', 'b3lyp-d4', 'b3lyp-nl', '...']
basisS: def2-TZVP # ['DZ', 'QZV', 'QZVP', 'QZVPP', 'SV(P)', 'SVP', 'TZVP', 'TZVPP', 'aug-cc-pV5Z', '...']
sm4S: smd # ['cosmo', 'cpcm', 'dcosmors', 'smd']
reference_1H: TMS # ['TMS']
reference_13C: TMS # ['TMS']
reference_19F: CFCl3 # ['CFCl3']
reference_29Si: TMS # ['TMS']
reference_31P: TMP # ['TMP', 'PH3']
1H_active: on # ['on', 'off']
13C_active: on # ['on', 'off']
19F_active: off # ['on', 'off']
29Si_active: off # ['on', 'off']
31P_active: off # ['on', 'off']
resonance_frequency: 300.0 # ['MHz number of your experimental spectrometer setup']
optical_rotation: off # ['on', 'off']
funcOR: pbe # ['functional for opt_rot e.g. pbe']
funcOR_SCF: r2scan-3c # ['functional for SCF in opt_rot e.g. r2scan-3c']
basisOR: def2-SVPD # ['basis set for opt_rot e.g. def2-SVPD']
frequency_optical_rot: [589.0] # ['list of freq in nm to evaluate opt rot at e.g. [589, 700]']
The best structure found is written to coord.enso_best
, the whole ensemble after part 2 to enso_ensemble_part2.xyz
and the refined ensemble after part 3 to enso_ensemble_part3.xyz
. Compare the ranking of the conformers with the GFN2-xTB ensemble resulting with crest.
With censo, also NMR computations can be done. Use the refined ensemble as input for an additional censo calculation where every part is turned of except part 4.