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Ensemble Generation

The main feature of crest is the generation of an ensemble and the search for the global minimum of a structure. This can be done with the following command:


This results in a file called containing the best conformer found, containing the conformer ensemble sorted by energy and without duplicates, and the file containing an ensemble of rotamers sorted by energy.

Many features of xtb can be used also with crest, for example, implicit solvation and the different GFN methods. The command line flags are similar to xtb, e.g., --alpb <solvent> or --gfnff.
You can define the number of cores to use with the **-T ** argument. All available flags are listed in the [documentation](

crest comes with mostly robust defaults. However, setting robust defaults covering the complete chemical space is not possible. Therefore, it might be necessary to adjust these defaults like the MD length (--mdlen <REAL>). To get a feeling on whether the settings are reasonable, the --keepdir flag can be used when starting a crest run. This will leave a MDFILES folder with different trajectories of the crest runs. Inspecting them with, e.g., Molden can be used to check how the molecule behaves during the simulations. More on this is explained in the respective chapter.


As a simple example, compute the ensemble of histidine including implicit water solvation with the GFN-FF method.


O     -1.0689000000   -1.6919000000   -0.7660000000
O     -2.4946000000   -1.1223000000    0.9038000000
N      1.6797000000    0.1409000000    1.1624000000
N     -2.7494000000    1.3693000000   -0.2178000000
N      2.8201000000   -0.3365000000   -0.6825000000
C     -0.3579000000    1.3004000000    0.3217000000
C     -1.5062000000    0.6397000000   -0.4567000000
C      0.9671000000    0.6020000000    0.1195000000
C     -1.7498000000   -0.7917000000   -0.0102000000
C      1.6556000000    0.3150000000   -1.0031000000
C      2.8043000000   -0.4249000000    0.6290000000
H     -0.5942000000    1.3196000000    1.3946000000
H     -0.2433000000    2.3450000000    0.0039000000
H     -1.3124000000    0.6416000000   -1.5355000000
H      1.4441000000    0.1943000000    2.1450000000
H      1.3992000000    0.5299000000   -2.0301000000
H     -2.6419000000    2.3346000000   -0.5280000000
H     -2.9358000000    1.4198000000    0.7835000000
H      3.5655000000   -0.8810000000    1.2458000000
H     -1.2415000000   -2.6142000000   -0.4801000000

After the CREST calculation, you will find an ensemble and some additional files in your working directory. The ensemble will be dumped in XYZ format in a file called You can have a look at the ensemble file by opening it with, e.g., molden.

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