crest is also a useful tool for protonating and deprotonating structures. Both can also be combined to tautomerize structures. In the following, we will try this for the dipeptide consisting of alanine and glycine (Ala-Gly).
C 2.081440 0.615100 -0.508430
C 2.742230 1.824030 -1.200820
N 4.117790 1.799870 -1.190410
C 4.943570 2.827040 -1.822060
C 6.440080 2.569360 -1.637600
O 7.351600 3.252270 -2.069090
N 0.610100 0.695090 -0.538780
O 2.095560 2.724940 -1.739670
O 6.705220 1.463410 -0.897460
H 0.303080 1.426060 0.103770
H 0.338420 1.050680 -1.460480
C 2.488753 -0.593400 -1.198448
H 2.416500 0.557400 0.532050
H 4.614100 1.081980 -0.670550
H 4.699850 3.794460 -1.373720
H 4.722890 2.844690 -2.894180
H 7.687400 1.448620 -0.860340
H 2.029201 -1.457008 -0.719999
H 2.170233 -0.542411 -2.238576
H 3.572730 -0.688405 -1.154998
Protonation screening can be requested with:
crest --protonate
This uses GFN2-xTB by default. All protomers found by crest are stored in
Compute the protomers for Ala-Gly and determine the energetic ordering. Does the lowest protomer align with chemical intuition?
Similar to protonation, the deprotonation screening for Ala-Gly can be invoked with:
crest --deprotonate
All found structures are stored in
Compute the protomers for Ala-Gly and determine the energetic ordering.
Combining Protonation and Deprotonation
crest can combine the protonation and deprotonation screenings to find tautomers.
crest --tautomerize
The found tautomers will be stored at
Compute and check all the tautomers.
Can you find the zwitterion? If not, why?
Q: How can you find the zwitter ion?
Hint: In which environment do you usually find this type of compound?
Solution: Add implicit solvation to stabilize charged species via --alpb water