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A pre-compiled executable of the latest program version can be found on GitHub. Follow the instructions to use QCxMS1 without the need of building anything.

After extracting the file, you will find several files:

Executable / Folder Description
qcxms Main program (executable)
pqcxms Script that runs trajectories in parallel locally (executable)
q-batch Script that runs trajectories on a cluster with a queueing system (executable)
getres Script that gives the status of the parallel QCxMS production run (executable)
.XTBPARAM Folder containing xTB parameter files (.param_gfn.xtb, .param_gfn2.xtb, .param_ipea.xtb)
EXAMPLE Folder hosting an example input and coordinate file

The .XTBPARAM folder has to be placed in your $HOME directory (these files can appear to be hidden). Further software installation is not required. For different installation possibilities, please have a look at the documentation.

For easy visualization of the calculated spectra, the PlotMS program was developed. An instruction can be found in the documentation. The program is available at the PlotMS repository. To display the results, we recommend the useage of xmgrace. Exemplary input and coordinate files can be found in the EXAMPLES folder.


A pre-compiled executable of the latest program version can be found on GitHub. Follow the instructions to use QCxMS2 without the need of building anything.

After extracting the file, you will find the excectuable called qcxms2.

QCxMS2 requires additionally the following programs that must be available in $HOME/bin and named exactly as follows:

Executable Required Version Software Repository Link
xtb > 6.7.1 (bleeding edge) xtb
crest >= 3.0.2 crest
orca >= 6.0.0 orca
molbar >= 1.1.3 molbar
geodesic_interpolate (optional) >= 1.0.0 geodesic

Further information are available in the documentation.

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Copyright © 2025 grimme-lab.

The programs are distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.